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- 11410 NE 124th St. #334 Kirkland, WA 98034
- 425-999-5386
Based on annual interactions with the IRS, we know to keep our tax records and other important financial documents for at least 3 years. A more personal choice is keeping photos, videos and music for a lifetime, unless they prove to be embarrassing or too voluminous.
Here are suggestions for managing your files and records:
• Email – consider an annual purge to minimize the risk of unnecessary personal data being exposed, in case of a hacker breach.
• Browser History & Cookies – your browser history is what your web browser of choice records to improve future response time. Cookies are small files on your personal computer (or smartphone) that a website uses to keep track of your personal information when you return. It makes sense to clear these files at least annually to minimize risk of nefarious use of the history and cookies by hackers.
• In Chrome: History → History → Clear Browsing Data
• In Safari Mobile: Settings → Safari → Clear History and Website Data
• Tax, business, financial and legal records – Per the IRS, you should keep tax records for 3 years in most cases . Given that these are increasingly originated and/or stored online, keeping these indefinitely is an easy option. Consider using the scanner in your multi-function printer to convert paper-originated documents to images for record-keeping purposes.
• Photos, Videos, Music – personal preference, but generally forever as long as there is storage space!
CyberGuardian: a
SecureTheVillage Guide for Residents is available on Amazon.
A complete Security Checklist is available:
References for Village Residents are available at SECURE THE VILLAGE:
© Alan Steven Krantz 2021